Drone Thermal Inspection
Drone Thermal Inspection
Drone Thermal Inspection
Drone Thermal Inspection


Drone Thermal Inspection

Drone thermal inspection involves using drones with thermal cameras to detect heat variations. The job scope includes:


  1. Planning: Defining objectives, ensuring regulatory compliance, and preparing flight plans.
  2. Equipment Setup: Selecting and calibrating drones and cameras.
  3. On-Site Setup: Establishing control stations and safety zones.
  4. Data Acquisition: Flying drones, capturing thermal images, and monitoring live feeds.
  5. Data Processing: Analyzing images to identify anomalies.
  6. Reporting: Compiling findings, creating reports, and providing recommendations.
  7. Post-Inspection: Maintaining equipment, archiving data, and conducting debriefs.
  8. Client Interaction: Understanding client needs, presenting findings, and offering follow-up services.
This ensures comprehensive and reliable thermal inspections.

Drone Thermal Inspection